Hello everyone this is a new Role-Playing site with a twist. Today November 09th, 2012 is the birthday of Heaven 4 RP. This site is like a newborn right now, its still under construction. Please stay and watch the site as it grows in a sense, watch it go through its changes. We'll even take in sugestions from future site members. You can either click here or click on the contact us button on the top right. What's gonna make this site different from others is RPers can choose to have their RP's private or public. An RP thread can have up to 6 RP members on a thread. People from the site will be able to read the stories and comment on the stories as if they were there. This aspect can change a story completely if the RPers interact with the comments in almost real-time. For example:

 "Riku cheers happily as he looks at his brother. He clings to him as they make their way to the exit and back to the car. "I can't wait to spend lots of time with you." he says looking at Hyun with his usual wide eyes and cute expressions"

""I see. Well then, it'll be my pleasure to spend more time with you, Riku." Hyun smiled sweetly and grasped his hand as he began walking towards the nearest exit to his car."

Think of all the people who would be reading this thread live. Each thread will be shown as live or offline to indicate the writers are there and RPing as we speak. Each entry would build up anticipation to the readers and build a character fan base. This makes RPing more then what it's always been. We will be keeping you up to date on all major site updates and a member system to sign up and log in will be setup real soon.

Thank You

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    Luis Ocasio a.k.a. chainblade131
    I am a huge anime fan. I'm honored to be making a site like this for others like me.


    November 2012

